Thursday, July 29, 2010

Nothing missing, nothing lacking

I was just sitting here trying to play a stupid video game (yes, I do play video games) and started thinking about life. I tend to do this a lot--think about life that is. Anyway, I started thanking God that I haven't settled and never settle. I've made TONS of mistakes in my life but I've learned from them and moved on. I'm not just talking about settling in my relationships but also in my walk with God, work, finances, etc. I just realized how I have the best family anyone could possibly have. I have a wonderful boyfriend and his family is equally just as great as mine. So glad I didn't settle or else I wouldn't have Carmund. I have a great job despite some of the not-so-bright people I work with...I'm realizing stupidity is everywhere and spreading like wildfires. I strive daily to give my absolute best at work. I take pride in what I do and it shows--my stuff looks good ALL the time. LOL I could settle and just do the minimum but what fun is that? I definitely wouldn't be considered for a raise or promotion if I only did the minimum. I'm thankful to have a college degree. I could've flunked out of school and did my own thing but then I would have missed out on opportunities I wouldn't have otherwise (i.e. working for Walt Disney World).

About "nothing missing, nothing lacking"--this is a confession I put on the back of my tithe and offering envelope and have been doing so for about 4 or 5 years now. No, I'm not asking God for a million dollars and to never have to work a day in my life again. I'm simply claiming that every aspect of my life is taken care of by God and to His standards. That means my money, my home, my family, my walk with Him, my job, my heart, my mind, my joy, my peace, my EVERYTHING is good to go! Yes, we all go through hard times in one of these areas...some more so than others. I must confess I was struggling this week. I had a feeling of inadequacy for the past few days and especially today. Who knows what I'm talking about? When you feel like you can't seem to do anything right despite doing the right things. When there seems to be no end to your current situation and you just feel stuck. Such an awful feeling! Thank God he's always faithful and gives new mercies every morning!

Side note: My sister ALWAYS greets you with "Good morning!" regardless of what time of day or night it is. She wants people to ask her why she says that. Her response will be "God's mercies are new every morning." It's her way of opening the door to witness to someone. Love it!

Because of God's grace, new mercies, faithfulness, love and kindness I was able to come out of that horrible mood. Granted it didn't happen until just before I started writing this blog (9:50pm). LOL It doesn't matter the time. I feel better! Everybody is somebody to Jesus! I know that I'm a King's Kid and there's nothing too hard for God and in Him I can do all things! Yeah, I definitely feel better now! LOL I encourage you to start confessing "nothing missing, nothing lacking" over your life and you'll see great things happen! That's just the way it is!


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