Monday, June 21, 2010

27 things I've learned or enjoyed...thus far!

As some of you may know today is my 27th birthday!! Happy birthday to me!! I've seen so many things in my short time here on earth but my infinite wisdom is well....infinite!! LOL No, but I've learned a lot. This blog is a list of just a few things I've learned or really enjoyed a lot from as far as I can remember until now! They're not in any particular order. Here it goes...

1. Be fair, take turns!
2. Walk! Don't run!
3. Wash your hands before you eat!

Those top 3 are ones I literally learned in preschool. There was like a whole list of rules but those are just a few my preschool teacher, Sis. Bailey (RIP), taught us.

4. Be honest with yourself.
5. Be honest with God. He appreciates it and he already knows how you feel anyway so stop trying to hide it!
6. Do you really know what your favorite color is and why? Favorite food? Favorite game? Really set out to discover these things and make a list or journal about them.
7. Take things one day at a time. I thank Carmund for teaching me this daily!
8. Fall in love! It's so much fun.
9. Take yourself on dates!
10. Go to Disney World at least 3 times in your lifetime.
11. Laugh out loud at least twice a day.
12. Donate money to a cause or your favorite theatre of some sort BUT it has to be of your choice and whatever amount you choose. Even if it's $5, you'll feel like you contributed a million!
13. Talk to your mom at least once a day. After all, she is the only mother you have!
14. Never and I do mean NEVER let anyone tell you you can't do something. The sky is the limit!
15. Don't live for tomorrow but rather for today. For every moment because it's so precious and life is too short to let things get to you.
16. Try to do a good deed at least once a day. It doesn't matter how big or small.
17. Smile!
18. Try things at least once.
19. Be spontaneous. It could be so much fun and rewarding.
20. Don't let life's troubles get you down or stop you from doing what you want to do.
21. Buy at least one pair of expensive jeans, shoes (especially high heels), dress, and purse.
22. Pamper yourself. You deserve it! A nice day at the spa would be nice right about now.
23. Sometimes it's best to just be quiet.
24. Never pay retail!! (Of course that doesn't apply to #21)
25. Pray everyday.
26. No regrets! Learn from your mistakes.

Okay, that's it for now! I have lots more to share but we'll keep it at 27 for now. I've made plenty of stupid mistakes but I regret none of them. I've learned and they've helped make the woman I am today. That's real talk. One more thing, this will be #28: Fall in love! I sure did. You already know, that's just the way it is!


  1. Great Blog Sarah! I love it!!

    And cute pic... is this an Elaine original?! Love it!!


  2. .....and talk to your sister via email or text daily! Don't leave me out!

  3. why is it coming up Kim said? This is clearly Treasy!

  4. Let's see if it comes up right now!

  5. Happy Happy Birthday (yet again)!

  6. Treasy, sisters don't count!! I love you anyway! I talk to you regularly anyway so stop it!!

    Thank you Audrey and Samaria! Yes, it's an Elaine original. Very great pictures took of us.


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