Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Going to the chapel and I'm NOT gonna get married...

Ha! I'm not getting married...YET! Anyway, that's not what this blog is about.

FYI, I love planning weddings. Not sure when I discovered I liked it. Anyway, I'm on a quest to get my life together and make a living out of it. I've got a few things under my sleeve for pursuing this endeavor. In the meantime I've decided I'm gonna make my own reference book for wedding planning.

I recently got a free subscription to Elegant Bride magazine. As I was reading through the magazine and liking a lot of the tips they were giving I thought I should make some sort of reference book. As I get more ideas and information I would just keep adding to the reference book. The book isn't just for me when I start to plan my own wedding but whenever someone may want/need an idea for anything dealing with a wedding or any event I can just go to my trusty reference book and give them a tip...at a price. :-)

I've found different websites that have been useful for wedding planning besides The Knot. It's a great tool for wedding planning but there are soooo many other websites to visit as well. One of my favorites is Brides.com. It's similar to The Knot, but it the webpage seems to be a bit more organized and easier to find info. There are also a few blogs I follow like Classic Brides and my FAVORITE is Preston Bailey. This man con transform any room and make it something special - OMG! He's a genius.

Anyway, I'm excited about making this little notebook full of goodies. Carmund and I went to Walmart this past weekend and I bought most of the stuff I need to get started. I'll probably subscribe to a couple more bridal magazines. As I see things I like or find useful I'll cut them out and put them in my book. The book will reference things about budgeting, contracts, colors, themes, flowers, linens, guest count, dresses, honeymoons, and on and on. I want to deal with every detail dealing with a wedding in my book. If you have any tips or ideas you would like to add to my book just let me know.

I'll keep you posted with the progress of my book. I'll also blog about some of the things I find as I go on this endeavor.


  1. Well...hopefully you can find something in the books about people dealing with a $100 budget. You know what I told you about my wedding...if you want to plan it, you got to know how to be cheap! lol. On a serious note, I think it's great that you're stepping out and pursuing something you want. I imagine you'd be a great wedding planner, even for cheapskates. :)


  2. LOL I'm sure I could figure something out for SUPER cheapskates. Can we at least deal with a $1,000 budget? $100 bucks is so not a lot of money. We'll see about that when the time comes.


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