I was driving back to work today from home (on my lunch break) and got caught at a light. As the lights are about to change a firetruck is starting to come from the opposite direction with lights and sirens. My light turns green and at first I was about to hurry and go (just to pull over and wait for the truck to go past), but I decided that wasn't the smartest thing to do and decided to wait. Well, the guy behind gets totally upset that I didn't go and bangs on his steering wheel and starts flailing his arms around. I assume he didn't want to sit at this green light and wait for the firetruck to come pass us.
I started thinking about how much of a hurry we are in as a society and how selfish we are. Whenever I see emergency vehicles rushing to the rescue I always try to say a short prayer for the person/people in trouble. This guy who was totally upset that I didn't go should have been praying instead of getting upset. For all we know it could have been someone he or I knew in trouble.
We need to stop and check ourselves. We are always in so much of a hurry that sometimes we don't stop to cherish the little moments we have in life. When troubles do arise what do we do? Do we pray, do we get upset, or do we ignore it? These are all things we should think about. Look at who it all affects.
Just a constant thought I'm having right now. I'm definitely feeling convicted to do some self reflecting.
Oh yeah, we actually made it through the light after the firetruck went past us. Which leads me to another thought, when we wait and be patient good things happen. What difference would it have made for us to go through the light just to still sit and wait for the truck to pass versus us sitting at the light and waiting for the truck to pass. Good things come to those who wait...
Isn't it just crazy how impatient people can with even with "lights flashing"? I've seen people pull out in front of fire trucks several times and I always think, "how unbelievable"! I'm totally in favor of slowing down. I think living this fast paced life is wearing me out...kids are fast paced enough, let alone all the other things we "have" to do. Good Post & blog!! Looking forward to reading more.