Thursday, January 28, 2010

10 months and counting...

10 months ago I fell in love and it only gets better!

Carmund, I love you and thank God for you. I'm so glad I get to spend forever with you. I enjoyed our date last night. The wine- superb, the chips -crispy, the dip- yummy, the movie- entertaining, the conversation- intriguing, and the company- priceless. I look forward to many more...

"Life is the flower for which love is the honey." -Victor Hugo

That's just the way it is...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


It's been a VERY long time since I've blogged. Between work, the holidays, and my super long vacation just didn't quite find the time. Let me tell you I had the most amazing 2 week vacation ever! Here's what went down...

I flew into the Baltimore airport on Christmas Eve. I knew it was going to be a great break because when I arrived at the airport in Indianapolis there was virtually no one there! It was great. I got there super early because I was sure that it would be crowded and everyone trying to get home for Christmas blah blah blah. Was not the case at all. I went straight through security with no problem. I get to my gate and patiently await the arrival of my plane. As we're getting closer to the time for us to board I realize there are not a lot of people in the seating area waiting. Well, the plane arrived and the person on the intercom said there were only like 34 of us boarding this plane so we all could get a row to ourselves. YES!!! Perfect start to a vacation...

I arrive in Baltimore to be greeted by the love of my life, Carmund. We go over to his father's home to have dinner and open presents. It was a great time! We then go to his mom's house where we will be staying for most of the trip. I love his mom! She's like the coolest lady ever!

Christmas day we head over to his god father's house for brunch. That was awesome! The food was great and the company was even better. Carmund and I were the youngest people there. Everyone else was over 60 I'm sure. It was hilarious! It was a total of 7 of us sitting around the table and hearing stories of their pasts. It was like I had stepped into a scene of The Cosby Show when Cliff and Claire would have friends over for dinner or something. I had a blast! Afterwards, we head back home and later open gifts. We all loved our gifts. I got a Nintendo Wii from Carmund!! Yay!!! His mom gave me one of her mother's beautiful gold and jade bracelet. Words can describe how I felt and feel to have received something that belonged to Carmund's incredible grandmother. Below is a pic of it. She also gave me Preston Bailey's new book Celebrations. This man is an incredible event designer. Christmas day was a blast!!

Each day just got better and better. I was treated very well by everyone. I'm happy to inherit such a great family.

Carmund and I did lots of meet and greets with his friends and family. New Year's Eve I met his best friend and family...great people! Carmund and I spent the whole day out and about downtown DC. We met with friends for lunch then off to the Newseum. Great museum to visit if you're in DC. Carmund and then spent some time together viewing great sites of DC - Capitol building and Union Station. Lots of walking and talking and imagining - very special time and appropriate for the end of the year and the start of a beautiful 2010. We just partied the night away into 2010 with friends. It was exhausting but the most fun I've ever had especially on New Years (I had never done anything before). So special...

The rest of the trip needless to say was amazing!! It's a Christmas vacation I will never forget. It is now January 27th, I am more in love with Carmund today than I was just yesterday. I'm excited about what God is doing in my life and what he's going to in 2010.